Thursday, January 28, 2010

Astrological Significance Of Moles What Is The Significance Of Having A Mole On The Sun Mound In The Palm?How To Remove It By Astrological Means?

What is the significance of having a mole on the sun mound in the palm?How to remove it by astrological means? - astrological significance of moles

The moon appears as a brown, some say it is bad and causes misunderstanding. Therefore, the person who is the mole, for she was still deeply affected. Sometimes we have tried to get rid of it with pliers and a cutter. But she always comes back to normal. Please let me know if there a way to get rid of his star charts.


pollyann... said...

It is something that your friend should stop worry. Palmistry and astrology are two separate issues, but the sun, which relates to health, optimism, energy and healing. The hill of the sun is the essence of energy and a mole in this area suggests an abundance of energy that the person in need of charge. They are probably the type that are of great to have a crisis! It is also possible, the ability to heal (perhaps with your hands) they have, and that person should try to study Reiki.

John's Secret Identity™ said...

Consult a dermatologist. Then you will see that real science can not achieve what he wants just as pseudo-science.

judy "ORIGINAL" said...


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